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Terms of Use – OfferUnite

Terms of Use

Please make sure you read the terms and conditions below. Anyone who uses this website will agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of use for this website. Failure to stick to the terms will result in suspension of your account and forfeit of all monies due, and the possibility of legal action.  OfferUnite Membership and Termination of Accounts OfferUnite only allows one account per person. OfferUnite reserves the right to refuse membership. Further, we reserve the right to terminate your account with OfferUnite without notice at any time, for any reason Earning Cash On OfferUnite you will earn cash from a number of affiliated Retailers. We will make every effort to ensure cash offers are correctly illustrated. Any transactions you make are with the affiliated Retailer in question; we will not be held responsible for any short falls regarding affiliated retailer products and/or services. Affiliated Retailers will confirm your pending transactions, at which point they will appear in your approved section and on your statement. Some Retailers take longer to approve than others, however we do encourage retailers to make regular approvals, OfferUnite will not be held responsible for slow or cancelled transactions. Should the goods or services be refunded or the sale otherwise reversed then the cash payment will not be made. We can only pay cash for a transaction, when a OfferUnite member logs into www.OfferUnite.in and then clicks on the retailers link. If you are not logged in when you visit our affiliated retailer, we cannot track the earnings back to your account so you will not earn any cashback. OfferUnite accepts no responsibility for lost or deleted transactions. All transactions are electronically logged and reported back by the affiliated Retailer. OfferUnite will make every effort to ensure that affiliated Retailers are correctly reporting transactions however we cannot be held responsible should the affiliated Retailers systems fail to report back your sale. (In the rare case that this occurs we will make every effort to negotiate the cashback from the affiliated Retailer on your behalf; however the Retailer’s decision is final). Payment Payments are issued within 14 days of your request. If you do not request withdrawal then your cashback balance will stay until you do so. Transactions will only be confirmed when the retailer confirms them, we will make every effort to get the cashback; we make no promise on the transaction being confirmed. Newsletters Members will receive a regular newsletter, providing updates on the latest offers and site updates. You are under no obligation to keep receiving emails and may terminate your account at any time. Change of Terms & Conditions We may modify/change any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, at any time and in our sole discretion, we will notify any member by email when/if this happens. Miscellaneous This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the India, without reference to rules governing choice of laws. Our failure to enforce your strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. Fraudulent Transactions If you enter false details to any of our affiliated Retailers, or try to fraudulently obtain cashback from any affiliated Retailers, we will immediately suspend your account and pass your details on to the relevant authorities. Site Misuse If you attempt to defraud the site www.OfferUnite.in in any way, we reserve the right to terminate your account without notice and pass your details to the relevant authorities. Anti Spam Policy OfferUnite allows you to send emails to friends and family promoting the site to them and offering you a cash incentive. We do not tolerate any Spam or spamming activity and will delete and/or suspend your account without notice. Deleting / Suspension If we delete or suspend your account, you will automatically forfeit your earnings on the site both pending and approved. We will only suspend / delete you from site when your account is suspected of fraudulent activity or breaking our terms and conditions. Our decision is final.   Unused Accounts OfferUnite will delete any account that is not logged into within a 60 day period. A reminder email will be sent on the 30th day to warn of deletion. Upon deletion your will forfeit all outstanding monies on your account  

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